The prediction of student graduation plays a crucial role in improving higher education efficiency and as-sisting students in graduating on time. Neural networks have been used for …
Gagal jantung adalah penyakit kardiovaskular serius yang mengancam jiwa, seiring meningkat pertambahan usia dan gaya hidup tidak sehat. Prediksi dini sangat penting untuk …
H Hartatik - IJAI (Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics), 2021 -
Prediksi tentang status kelulusan mahasiswa menjadi persoalan tersendiri di perguruan tinggi. Perguruan tinggi utamanya di era Big Data sangatlah penting untuk melakukan …
Technological advances supported by human knowledge have a very good influence on data and information storage technology, including in predicting student graduation …
Abstract Lulusan di Perguruan Tinggi yang bekerja sesuai bidang belum ideal dalam tiga tahun terakhir, salah satunya di Politeknik Harapan Bersama. Hal ini masih menunjukkan …
In the era of information technology development, accurate graduation predictions are important to improve the quality of higher education in Indonesia. This research evaluates …
Twitter adalah media sosial populer di internet, berkat Twitter pengguna dapat berbagi opini, pemikiran, dan berinteraksi dengan pengguna lain. Tentu saja, seiring …
AH Kahfi, T Prihatin, Y Yudhistira… - Jurnal Teknik …, 2024 -
The current digital era demands a more innovative approach in predicting student campuses considering that campuses are not only important for students but also for lecturers, student …
This research aims to improve the accuracy of predicting student permit results in the digital era by utilizing machine learning techniques. The main focus is the use of a Decision Tree …