This book presents how ancient Christianity must be understood from the viewpoint of the history of religions in late antiquity. The continuation of biblical prophecy runs like a thread …
Religion and its History offers a reflection of our operative concept of religion and religions, developing a set of approaches that bridge the widely assumed gulf between analysing …
This study situates Origen of Alexandria within the Platonic tradition, presenting Origen as a Christian philosopher who taught and studied philosophy, of which theology was part and …
Hellenism and the Local Communities of the Eastern Mediterranean offers a timely re- examination of the relationship between Greek and non-Greek cultures in this region …
Stále živé otázky a odpovědi Druhého vatikánského koncilu Při výročí uzavření Druhého vatikánského koncilu se specialista na církevní, kulturní a sociální dějiny zamýšlí nad řadou …
The influence of the theology and philosophy of Augustine of Hippo on subsequent Western thought and culture is undisputed. Prayer after Augustine: A Study in the Development of the …
C Markschies - Church History and Religious Culture, 2012 -
In this paper, delivered as the First Annual Lecture in Patristics of the Centre for Patristic Research (CPO), the author poses the question whether it still makes sense to speak about …
The authoritative new account of the BibleÕs origins, illuminating the 1,600-year tradition that shaped the Christian and Jewish holy books as millions know them today. The Bible as …
Historical Jesus research, Jewish or Christian, is marked by the search for origins and authenticity. The various Quests for the Historical Jesus contributed to a crisis of identity …