State-of-the-art singing voice separation is based on deep learning making use of CNN structures with skip connections (like U-Net model, Wave-U-Net model, or MSDENSELSTM) …
The use of the mel spectrogram as a signal parameterization for voice generation is quite recent and linked to the development of neural vocoders. These are deep neural networks …
In current methods for voice transformation and speech synthesis, the vocal tract filter is usually assumed to be excited by a flat amplitude spectrum. In this article, we present a …
M Caetano, X Rodet - 2011 IEEE International Conference on …, 2011 -
The amplitude modulations of musical instrument sounds and speech are important perceptual cues. Accurate estimation of the amplitude, or equivalently energy, envelope of a …
In this paper, we present an extension of a novel continuous residual-based vocoder for statistical parametric speech synthesis. Previous work has shown the advantages of adding …
This thesis aimed at conducting research on the synthesis and expressive transformations of the singing voice, towards the development of a high-quality synthesizer that can generate a …
A Roebel - Digital Audio Effects (DAFx), 2010 -
This paper proposes a new method for shape invariant real-time modification of speech signals. The method can be un-derstood as a frequency domain SOLA algorithm that is us …
This study addresses the problem of inverting a voice production model to retrieve, for a given recording, a representation of the sound source which is generated at the glottis level …
In this paper, we present an extension of a novel continuous residual-based vocoder for statistical parametric speech synthesis by addressing two objectives. First, because the …