This article analyzes the implications of the Anthropocene for the governance of security. Drawing on environmental law, green criminology, and international relations, the article …
Öz Güvenlik çalışmaları Soğuk Savaş'ın sona ermesinden sonraki dönemde giderek genişleyen bir gündeme sahip olmuştur. Bu makalede genişleyen güvenlik gündeminde yer …
This article offers an empirical finding of human security issues in Citarum River, Indonesia, which was once labelled as the dirtiest and most polluted river in the world. Using a …
The global discourse on people-centered development appeals for a normative dimension in donor policies. As a major donor organization, the European Union (EU) presents itself as …
Y Suharman, SP Sejati, I Amirullah - Regions and Cohesion, 2023 -
This research aims to present carbon monoxide (CO) emissions trends from January 2019 to June 2021 in Southeast Asian waters and the South China Sea (SEA-SCS). Using …
K Harlan - Region-Making and Cross-Border Cooperation, 2017 -
This chapter will examine the growth and development of a “typical” border community in South America. It aims to test the hypothesis that citizen participation and cross-border civil …
H Koff - Revista de Paz y Conflictos, 2016 -
Este artículo sostiene que las nociones de «paz» y «justicia» en la administración transfronteriza del agua varían entre diferentes regiones del mundo. A su vez, argumenta …
There is a global concern for climate induced migration and a concern on how to tackle climate refugees. Climate refugees is a term that is not yet defined both internationally and at …
This article analyses the implications of the Anthropocene for the governance of security. Drawing on environmental law, green criminology and international relations, the article …