Inferring dispersal dynamics from local population demographic modelling: the case of the slender‐billed gull in F rance

A Doxa, A Besnard, A Bechet, C Pin… - Animal …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Although it is today accepted that population viability analyses are needed at a meta‐
population level for most species, usually only single populations are monitored in the …

Living on the edge: demography of the slender-billed gull in the western mediterranean

A Sanz-Aguilar, G Tavecchia, I Afán, F Ramirez… - PLoS …, 2014 -
Small and peripheral populations are typically vulnerable to local extinction processes but
important for the metapopulation dynamics of species. The Slender-billed gull …

[PDF][PDF] Implications of radio-tracking for the survival of Masked Lapwing chicks

D Lees, C Sherman, G Maguire, P Dann, M Weston - 2017 -
Monitoring survival of free-living, precocial avian young is difficult. Perhaps the most
promising method available is a combination of radio-tracking and frequent investigator …

From population to individual: colony dynamics and structure in time and space of a highly social seabird

LJH Garrett - 2020 -
Understanding why populations change in size and distribution can help us assess a
species' vulnerability to future environmental change (eg climate warming) and their …

[PDF][PDF] Living on the Edge: Demography of the Slender-Billed Gull in the Western

A Sanz-Aguilar, G Tavecchia, I Afán, F Ramırez… - 2014 -
Small and peripheral populations are typically vulnerable to local extinction processes but
important for the metapopulation dynamics of species. The Slender-billed gull …