Dissolution point and isolation robustness: robustness criteria for general cluster analysis methods

C Hennig - Journal of multivariate analysis, 2008 - Elsevier
Two robustness criteria are presented that are applicable to general clustering methods.
Robustness and stability in cluster analysis are not only data dependent, but even cluster …

Breakdown points for maximum likelihood estimators of location–scale mixtures

C Hennig - 2004 - projecteuclid.org
ML-estimation based on mixtures of Normal distributions is a widely used tool for cluster
analysis. However, a single outlier can make the parameter estimation of at least one of the …

Breakdown value

M Hubert, M Debruyne - Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
The breakdown value is a popular measure of the robustness of an estimator against
outlying observations. Roughly speaking, it indicates the smallest fraction of contaminants in …

Nonparametric depth-based multivariate outlier identifiers, and masking robustness properties

X Dang, R Serfling - Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2010 - Elsevier
In extending univariate outlier detection methods to higher dimension, various issues arise:
limited visualization methods, inadequacy of marginal methods, lack of a natural order …

A resistant estimator of multivariate location and dispersion

DJ Olive - Computational statistics & data analysis, 2004 - Elsevier
This paper presents a simple resistant estimator of multivariate location and dispersion. The
DD plot is a plot of Mahalanobis distances from the classical estimator versus the distances …

Robust location and scatter estimators in multivariate analysis

Y Zuo - Frontiers In Statistics, 2006 - World Scientific
The sample mean vector and the sample covariance matrix are the corner stone of the
classical multivariate analysis. They are optimal when the underlying data are normal. They …

The breakdown behavior of the maximum likelihood estimator in the logistic regression model

C Croux, C Flandre, G Haesbroeck - Statistics & Probability Letters, 2002 - Elsevier
In this note we discuss the breakdown behavior of the maximum likelihood (ML) estimator in
the logistic regression model. We formally prove that the ML-estimator never explodes to …

The deepest regression method

S Van Aelst, PJ Rousseeuw, M Hubert… - Journal of Multivariate …, 2002 - Elsevier
Deepest regression (DR) is a method for linear regression introduced by PJ Rousseeuw and
M. Hubert (1999, J. Amer. Statis. Assoc. 94, 388–402). The DR method is defined as the fit …

Robustness of weighted L p –depth and L p –median

Y Zuo* - Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv, 2004 - Springer
L p–norm weighted depth functions are introduced and the local and global robustness of
these weighted L p–depth functions and their induced multivariate medians are investigated …

Finite sample breakdown point of Tukey's halfspace median

XH Liu, YJ Zuo, QH Wang - Science China Mathematics, 2017 - Springer
Tukey's halfspace median (HM), servicing as the multivariate counterpart of the univariate
median, has been introduced and extensively studied in the literature. It is supposed and …