Six views of embodied cognition

M Wilson - Psychonomic bulletin & review, 2002 - Springer
The emerging viewpoint of embodied cognition holds that cognitive processes are deeply
rooted in the body's interactions with the world. This position actually houses a number of …

Understanding and sharing intentions: The origins of cultural cognition

M Tomasello, M Carpenter, J Call, T Behne… - Behavioral and brain …, 2005 -
We propose that the crucial difference between human cognition and that of other species is
the ability to participate with others in collaborative activities with shared goals and …

[引用][C] Mothers and others: The evolutionary origins of mutual understanding

SB Hrdy - 2009 -
Somewhere in Africa, more than a million years ago, a line of apes began to rear their young
differently than their Great Ape ancestors. From this new form of care came new ways of …

[图书][B] On the origin of stories: Evolution, cognition, and fiction

B Boyd - 2009 -
Brian Boyd explains why we tell stories and how our minds are shaped to understand them.
After considering art as adaptation, Boyd examines Homer's Odyssey and Dr. Seuss's …

[图书][B] The cultural origins of human cognition

M Tomasello - 2009 -
Bridging the gap between evolutionary theory and cultural psychology, Michael Tomasello
argues that the roots of the human capacity for symbol-based culture are based in a cluster …

[图书][B] Cross-cultural psychology: Research and applications

JW Berry - 2002 -
Cross-culturele psychologie is de studie van de relaties tussen menselijk gedrag en de
culturele context. In dit handboek komen alle vormen van gedrag aan bod, de belangrijkste …

[图书][B] Family, self, and human development across cultures: Theory and applications

C Kagitcibasi - 2017 -
Çiğdem Kağıtçıbaşı's influential volume was a work of masterful scholarship and field-
defining thought that challenged the existing assumptions in mainstream western …

[图书][B] Cultural approaches to parenting

MH Bornstein - 2013 -
This volume is concerned with elucidating similarities and differences in enculturation
processes that help to account for the ways in which individuals in different cultures develop …

[图书][B] Cultures of infancy

H Keller - 2022 -
The Classic Edition of Heidi Keller's Cultures of Infancy, first published in 2007, includes a
new introduction by the author, which describes for readers the original context of her work …

[图书][B] Family communication

C Segrin, J Flora - 2018 -
This third edition of Family Communication carefully examines state-of-the art research and
theories of family communication and family relationships. In addition to presenting …