The assessment and prediction of cognitive performance is a key issue for any discipline concerned with human operators in the context of safety-critical behavior. Most of the …
The idea of two separate attention networks in the human brain for the voluntary deployment of attention and the reorientation to unexpected events, respectively, has inspired an …
Maintaining attention for more than a few seconds is essential for mastering everyday life. Yet, our ability to stay focused on a particular task is limited, resulting in well-known …
Survival can depend on the ability to change a current course of action to respond to potentially advantageous or threatening stimuli. This" reorienting" response involves the …
This meta-analysis explores the role of the mirror and mentalizing systems in the understanding of other people's action goals. Based on over 200 fMRI studies, this analysis …
This study investigated the functional significance of EEG alpha power increases, a finding that is consistently observed in various memory tasks and specifically during divergent …
Orienting of spatial attention is a family of phylogenetically old mechanisms developed to select information for further processing. Information can be selected via top-down or …
The temporoparietal junction (TPJ) is a key node within the" social brain"[1]. Several studies suggest that the TPJ controls representations of the self or another individual across a …
In the present study, the electrophysiological correlates of perceiving shortly presented visual stimuli are examined. In particular, we investigated the differences in the prestimulus …