Why do so many American college students tell stories about encounters with ghosts? In Haunted Halls, the first book-length interpretive study of college ghostlore, Elizabeth Tucker …
WH Jeynes - Education and Urban Society, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
The meta-analysis, that included 75 studies, examined the relationship between illegal drug consumption, on the one hand, and student academic and behavioral outcomes, on the …
Résumé L'utilisation de médicaments stimulants par les étudiants pour améliorer la performance académique en l'absence de trouble de déficit de l'attention avec hyperactivité …
Reducing School Shootings is an optimistic book dealing with a topic that has become an unfortunate symbol of the times. Children are precious jewels to parents, especially, but also …
L'utilisation d'internet comme matériau de recherche soulève de nouveaux enjeux sur le plan de l'éthique de la recherche scientifique en sciences humaines et sociales. Dans le …
C Arango, MA Urrego, LA Orozco, LB Montoya… - Archivos de Medicina …, 2009 - redalyc.org
Objetivo, Identificar la frecuencia del uso no medicado de anfetaminas y otras sustancias, para mejorar rendimiento académico, en estudiantes de la Universidad de Manizales …
MA Urrego, LA Orozco… - Archivos de …, 2009 - revistasum.umanizales.edu.co
Objetivo: Identificar la frecuencia del uso no medicado de anfetaminas y otras sustancias, para mejorar rendimiento académico, en estudiantes de la Universidad deManizales …
BI Omotowo, AC Ndu… - Global journal of …, 2017 - asian.go4sending.com
INTRODUCTION: Health risk behaviours contribute to the leading causes of deaths and disability among adults and youth. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study was to investigate …
This descriptive survey was carried out in order to determine the personal health risks behaviour profile among university students in the south east of Nigeria. A random sample of …