[PDF][PDF] „'Inventing'Hunter-gatherers (and others): Human-animal relations, narratives, and the diversity of lived experience “

I Živaljević - Archaeological Theory at the Edge (s), 2023 - reff.f.bg.ac.rs
Following recent debates on the implications and usefulness of the term hunter-gatherer,
this paper explores whether there are particular ways of writing hunter-gatherer relations …

Ljudsko-životinjski odnosi u žiži interesovanja: igra/studija slučaja u Srbiji

S Žakula - Етноантрополошки проблеми, 2021 - ceeol.com
Apstrakt: U Beogradu su krajem 2018. i početkom 2019. godine održane čak četiri izložbe sa
tematikom ljudsko-životinjskih1 odnosa. Ovaj tekst ima dva osnovna cilja: da kroz analizu …

Arheološka evidencija o neobično sahranjenim osobama u srednjem veku

M Milosavljević - Етноантрополошки проблеми, 2021 - ceeol.com
Apstrakt: Istraživanja srednjovekovnih nekropola na prostoru današnje Srbije pokazala su
relativno standardizovan način sahranjivanja tela muškaraca, žena i dece. Pokojnici su …

Crisis of Confidence in Archaeology

A Palavestra - Arheology of Crisis, 2021 - reff.f.bg.ac.rs
The text aims to discuss the crisis of confidence in archaeology and its possible causes.
Confidence in a scientific discipline is based upon the social and individual confidence in …

Lov u mlađem gvozdenom dobu na prostoru južnopanonskog Podunavlja

T Radišić - Етноантрополошки проблеми, 2024 - ceeol.com
Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, ns Vol. 19 Is. 3 (2024) taka, korišćenje predmeta od
organskih materijala i nemogućnost funkcionalne odredbe artefakata). Uprkos tome …

Hunting during the Late Iron Age in the Region of the South Pannonian Danube Valley

T Radišić - Etnoantropološki problemi/Issues in Ethnology and …, 2024 - eap-iea.org
During the human history, hunting has been an important economic and social activity,
requiring various techniques and hunting equipment. In the literature discussing the Late …

Perkolacija prošlosti u srednjem veku? Primer nekropole Ravna–Slog kod Knjaževca

M Milosavljević, B Ilijić - Etnoantropološki problemi, 2023 - reff.f.bg.ac.rs
Ono što u sadašnjosti nadživljava prethodne epohe je prošlo procese oda-bira i
fragmentacije. Stoga su elementi koji iz prošlosti prodiru u drugo vreme fragmen-tovani i …

Percolation of the Past in the Middle Ages? Case-Study of the Necropolis Ravna–Slog near Knjaževac

M Milosavljević, B Ilijić - … problemi/Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2023 - eap-iea.org
The things surviving into the present from the previous epochs have under-gone the
processes of selection and fragmentation. Therefore, the elements from the past that …

Monika Milosavljević

B Ilijić - ceeol.com
Apstrakt: Ono što u sadašnjosti nadživljava prethodne epohe je prošlo procese odabira i
fragmentacije. Stoga su elementi koji iz prošlosti prodiru u drugo vreme fragmentovani i …

[PDF][PDF] Archaeological Theory at the Edge (s)

M Milosavljević - academia.edu
Archaeological Theory at the Edge (s) FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF
BELGRADE Edited by Staša Babić and Monika Milosavljević Archaeological Theory at the Edge …