This paper examines the impact of international automatic exchange of information (AEOI) treaties on cross-border investments in tax havens. Using a restricted version of the BIS …
N Noked, Z Marcone - UC Irvine L. Rev., 2022 - HeinOnline
Targeting Tax Avoidance Enablers Page 1 Targeting Tax Avoidance Enablers Noam Noked* & Zachary Marcone** The Panama Papers, the Paradise Papers, and the Pandora Papers have …
N Noked - Available at SSRN 4618310, 2023 -
The technological features of crypto assets create new opportunities for tax evasion and financial crimes. To address this problem, the United States and 47 other countries have …
On August 7, 1863, Sergeant Jones, of the Twenty-Ninth Precinct of the New York Metropolitan Police, was charged by the New York City Board of Police Commissioners with …