Land management impacts on European butterflies of conservation concern: a review

T Bubová, V Vrabec, M Kulma, P Nowicki - Journal of Insect Conservation, 2015 - Springer
Recent land use changes, namely the intensification of agriculture and forestry as well as
the abandonment of traditional grassland management methods, have resulted in the …

The “Evolutionarily Significant Unit” concept and its applicability in biological conservation

LP Casacci, F Barbero, E Balletto - Italian Journal of Zoology, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Although most conservationists claim to protect “species”, the conservation unit actually and
practically managed is the individual population. As resources are not unlimited, we need to …

[PDF][PDF] Dos and Don'ts for butterflies of the Habitats Directive of the European Union

C van Swaay, S Collins, G Dušej… - Nature …, 2012 -
Twenty-nine butterfly species are listed on the Annexes of the Habitats Directive. To assist
everyone who wants or needs to take action for one of these species, we compiled an …

The first red list of Italian butterflies

S Bonelli, LP Casacci, F Barbero… - Insect Conservation …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The Italian biodiversity is among the richest in Europe. In particular, the Italian butterfly fauna
includes almost 300 native species, and within the Euro‐Mediterranean area is second in …

[PDF][PDF] Gli artropodi italiani in Direttiva Habitat: biologia, ecologia, riconoscimento e monitoraggio

M Trizzino, P Audisio, F Bisi, A Bottacci… - Quaderni …, 2013 -
M. Trizzino: stesura del manoscritto, coordinamento tra gli autori P. Audisio, P. Cerretti e F.
Mason: coordinamento del progetto P. Audisio: supervisione della sezione Coleotteri S …

Selection on dispersal in isolated butterfly metapopulations

S Bonelli, V Vrabec, M Witek, F Barbero, D Patricelli… - Population …, 2013 - Springer
In most metapopulation models dispersal is assumed to be a fixed species-specific trait, but
in reality dispersal abilities are highly sensitive to various selective pressures. Strict isolation …

To lay or not to lay: oviposition of Maculinea arion in relation to Myrmica ant presence and host plant phenology

D Patricelli, F Barbero, V La Morgia, LP Casacci… - Animal Behaviour, 2011 - Elsevier
The choices made by ovipositing female butterflies play a key role in the survival of their
offspring and consequently in the persistence of butterfly populations. These choices are …

Host specificity pattern and chemical deception in a social parasite of ants

LP Casacci, K Schönrogge, JA Thomas, E Balletto… - Scientific Reports, 2019 -
In natural ecosystems, relationships between organisms are often characterised by high
levels of complexity, where vulnerabilities in multi-trophic systems are difficult to identify, yet …

Myrmica Ants and Their Butterfly Parasites with Special Focus on the Acoustic Communication

F Barbero, D Patricelli, M Witek… - Psyche: A Journal of …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
About 10,000 arthropod species live as ants′ social parasites and have evolved a number
of mechanisms allowing them to penetrate and survive inside the ant nests. Myrmica …

The biology and ecology of the large blue butterfly Phengaris (Maculinea) arion: a review

MP Hayes - Journal of Insect Conservation, 2015 - Springer
It has long been known that Phengaris (Maculinea) arion has a complex lifecycle involving
the social parasitisation of ants. However, research triggered by the extinction of the original …