L McKay - The Journal of legislative studies, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT A substantial literature demonstrates that in advanced democracies the public generally prefer for MPs to be focused on their constituencies. However, prior research fails …
L Barrault-Stella, J Talpin - Participations, 2021 - cairn.info
Cet article introductif prend le parti de l'interdisciplinarité pour questionner à nouveaux frais la relation de représentation politique du point de vue des représenté· es. En prenant appui …
La culminación de la tesis doctoral ha sido posible gracias a la ayuda de los directores que han brindado su apoyo desde el inicio del proyecto: Ludolfo Paramio, profesor de …
N Sauger - The Oxford Handbook of French Politics, 2016 - books.google.com
Political representation is the cornerstone of modern democracy. Developed in ancient Rome and throughout the Middle Ages (Lee, 2008; Podlech, 2014), the concept gained …
„Wir befinden uns an einem Scheideweg. Jetzt ist die Zeit zum Handeln gekommen. Wir haben die Instrumente und das Know-how, um die [globale] Erwärmung zu begrenzen und …
In a democracy, how people perceive the quality of political representation is important. In Britain, representation is organised and often conceptualised on a territorial basis and, as …
CH Chang - Humanities and Social Sciences, 2016 - academia.edu
This paper argues that the French model of Semi-presidentialism shows two features. One the one hand, the President is the head of both the central government and local affairs due …
S Brouard, E Kerrouche - Revue française de science politique (English …, 2013 - JSTOR
Ségolène Royal, former socialist candidate at the presidential elections in 2007, was in for an unpleasant surprise when she stood again in the 2012 legislative elections. She was …