Using atmospheric emissions as CO2 source in the cultivation of microalgae: Productivity and economic viability

TC de Assis, ML Calijuri, PP Assemany… - Journal of Cleaner …, 2019 - Elsevier
This study approached the use of atmospheric emissions as a source of carbon for the
cultivation of microalgae in high rate ponds (HRPs), continuously fed with domestic sewage …

Modelling the impact of sediment management on the trophic state of a tropical reservoir with high water storage variations

CCS Lira, PHA Medeiros, IEL Neto - Anais da Academia Brasileira de …, 2020 - SciELO Brasil
Eutrophication of lakes has affected society in many regions, particularly in water scarce
environments where: i) low runoff reduces the self-purification potential of water bodies; ii) …

Trophic state index for heavily impacted watersheds: modeling the influence of diffuse pollution in water bodies

L Carneiro, A Ostroski, EGF Mercuri - Hydrological Sciences …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This study aims to understand the response of the trophic state index (TSI) of a reservoir
under different watershed land-use scenarios. A novel methodology was applied to the …

Coupling the terrestrial hydrology model with biogeochemistry to the integrated LAND surface model: Amazon Basin applications

A Anderson de Castro, LA Cuartas… - Hydrological …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
We coupled the hydrologic routing and flood dynamics model Terrestrial Hydrology Model
with Biogeochemistry (THMB) to the Integrated LAND Surface Model (INLAND) and …

Avaliação do processo de eutrofização das águas superficiais, do cenário nacional ao local: estudo de caso nas Bacias Hidrográficas Costeiras dos Rios Ratones …

AR Silva - 2019 -
A eutrofização é o processo de enriquecimento da água por nutrientes (nitrogênio e/ou
fósforo), causando danos para o sistema aquático. A avaliação da eutrofização é essencial …

[PDF][PDF] Modelling the effects of global temperature increase on the growth of salt marsh plants

T Couto, I Martins, B Duarte, I Caçador… - Applied Ecology and …, 2014 -
Gradual increases in temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentrations have resulted from
the increased human use of fossil fuels since the beginning of industrial activity. In coastal …

Phytoplankton–zooplankton relationships based on phytoplankton functional groups in two tropical reservoirs

AS Diniz, JS Severiano, MM Júnior… - Marine and …, 2019 - CSIRO Publishing
The aim of this study was to evaluate the phytoplankton–zooplankton interaction, using
phytoplankton morphology-based functional groups, in two reservoirs that have different …

[PDF][PDF] Influence of cage farming on feeding and reproductive aspects of Pimelodus maculatus Lacépède, 1803 (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae) in the Chavantes reservoir …

H Brandão, JC de Oliveira Santana, IP Ramos… - Acta Scientiarum …, 2014 -
This study evaluated the diet and reproductive aspects of the population of Pimelodus
maculatus around net cage fish farming in order to assess the possible impacts of this …

Self-cleaning ability of the middle and lower courses of the Uberaba river, UPGRH-GD8

MR Salla, AM Ferreira, CE Pereira… - Journal of Urban and …, 2014 - JSTOR
The multiple and balanced use of water resources has become a difficult task, since the
implementation and continuous improvement of management systems still fail to keep …

[PDF][PDF] Estudo do balanço biogeoquímico dos nutrientes dissolvidos principais como indicador da influência antrópica em sistemas estuarinos do Nordeste e Sudeste …

SA Eschrique - 2011 -
A riqueza dos ambientes costeiros sempre despertou no homem, ao longo de sua evolução
histórica, o interesse na utilização e ocupação desses espaços litorâneos. O crescimento …