Microbial ecology of the dark ocean above, at, and below the seafloor

BN Orcutt, JB Sylvan, NJ Knab… - … and molecular biology …, 2011 - Am Soc Microbiol
The majority of life on Earth—notably, microbial life—occurs in places that do not receive
sunlight, with the habitats of the oceans being the largest of these reservoirs. Sunlight …

Oceanic methane biogeochemistry

WS Reeburgh - Chemical reviews, 2007 - ACS Publications
Measurements of dissolved methane in the ocean have been available for only about 50
years. Methane measurements in sediments, where concentrations are millimolar, were first …

Biogeochemical aspects of atmospheric methane

RJ Cicerone, RS Oremland - Global biogeochemical cycles, 1988 - Wiley Online Library
Methane is the most abundant organic chemical in Earth's atmosphere, and its concentration
is increasing with time, as a variety of independent measurements have shown …

Geochemistry of marine sediments

DJ Burdige - 2020 - torrossa.com
For more than a decade I have taught a graduate-level course in marine sediment
geochemistry that covers many of the topics discussed in this book. The goal now is to …

The anaerobic oxidation of methane and sulfate reduction in sediments from Gulf of Mexico cold seeps

SB Joye, A Boetius, BN Orcutt, JP Montoya, HN Schulz… - Chemical …, 2004 - Elsevier
We determined the geochemical characteristics of sediments and measured rates of the
anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) and sulfate reduction (SR) in samples collected near …

Sulfur cycling and methane oxidation

BB Jørgensen, S Kasten - Marine geochemistry, 2006 - Springer
Reviews of the sulfur cycle from a biogeochemical or microbiological perspective have
recently been presented, eg by Amend et al.(2004) and Canfield et al.(2005). The latter …

Anaerobic mineralization of marine sediment organic matter: rates and the role of anaerobic processes in the oceanic carbon economy

SM Henrichs, WS Reeburgh - Geomicrobiology Journal, 1987 - Taylor & Francis
This paper addresses three related questions:(1) What factors control the efficiency of
carbon burial in sediments?(2) Are rates of anaerobic organic matter degradation …

Sulfate reduction and oxic respiration in marine sediments: implications for organic carbon preservation in euxinic environments

DE Canfield - Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research …, 1989 - Elsevier
Compilations have been made of sulfate reduction rates and oxic respiration rates over the
entire range of marine sedimentation rates, and sedimentary environments, including …

Use of “specific” inhibitors in biogeochemistry and microbial ecology

RS Oremland, DG Capone - Advances in microbial ecology, 1988 - Springer
The above statement, although meant to be tongue in cheek, contains an essential truism:
all work with inhibitors is inherently suspect. This fact has been known by biochemists for …

Deep sulfate reduction completely mediated by anaerobic methane oxidation in sediments of the upwelling area off Namibia

C Niewöhner, C Hensen, S Kasten, M Zabel… - … et cosmochimica acta, 1998 - Elsevier
Porewater concentrations of sulfate, methane, and other relevant constituents were
determined on four sediment cores from the high productivity upwelling area off Namibia …