IP Maksum, DAY Wildan, K Hasan… - Jurnal Kimia …, 2020 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
The use of recombinant thrombin in the manufacture of fibrin glue allows diseases contamination to be avoided. However, the expression of recombinant protein in E. coli still …
Namun, kami berhasil mengekspresikan pretrombin-2 manusia pada E. coli dalam bentuk protein larut. Optimasi kodon gen target sesuai kodon preferensi inang, perancangan gen …
Many proteins produced in E. coli accumulate in inclusion bodies. This study aims to detect the role of temperature in reducing the formation of inclusion bodies during recombinant …
Abstract Human recombinant prethrombin-2 (rhPT-2) was expressed in Escherichia coli. Previous studies reported that the expression of rhPT-2 in E. coli tends to formed inclusion …
NA Setiarini, I Indriawati, RS Susanti… - Jurnal Riset Biologi …, 2021 - journal.unesa.ac.id
Bali cattle are superior meat producers, but they are susceptible to Jembrana disease. The injection of the crude vaccine was considered ineffective, so the env-su gene was selected …
Ikan kerapu tikus (C. altivelis) merupakan sumberdaya ikan laut unggulan yang memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi, namun sangat rentan terhadap kondisi lingkungan yang buruk. Hal ini …
Escherichia coli (E. coli) merupakan bakteri yang telah lama digunakan secara luas pada industri bioteknologi. Media pertumbuhan murah, pertumbuhannya cepat, dan tingkat …