Diagnostic and prognostic significance of premature ventricular complexes in community and hospital-based participants: a scoping review

S Suba, KE Fleischmann, H Schell-Chaple, P Prasad… - PLoS …, 2021 - journals.plos.org
Background While there are published studies that have examined premature ventricular
complexes (PVCs) among patients with and without cardiac disease, there has not been a …

Technical article: Overview of hospital-based data capture systems that acquire continuous ECG and physiologic data

MM Pelter, PA Prasad, DW Mortara, F Badilini - Journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
Data capture systems that acquire continuous hospital-based electrocardiographic (ECG)
and physiologic (vital signs) data can foster robust research (ie, large sample sizes from …

The Role of ESG Mitigating Climate Risks within the Financial Sector

IA Nurunnisa, D Safitri… - … Conference on Economics …, 2024 - ic-ebgc.upnjatim.ac.id
The financial sector faces major challenges due to risks related to climate change that
impact stability and performance. This study systematically reviews how ESG criteria …

Extrasystolic arrhythmia–an unaccounted risk factor of atherosclerosis development in main arteries?

OA Germanova, G Galati, VA Germanov… - … and Innovations in …, 2021 - innoscience.ru
Objectives–to determine the hemodynamic changes within arterial vessels in different
variants of extrasystole, to analyze whether extrasystole is an additional risk factor for the …

Estimates of population‐based incidence of malignant arrhythmias associated with medication use—a narrative review

Y Huang, MW Alsabbagh - Fundamental & Clinical …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Certain medications are reported to be associated with acquired long‐QT syndrome
(ALQTS), which can degenerate into a potentially severe 'malignant'arrhythmia known as …


ОА ГЕРМАНОВА - samsmu.ru
Экстрасистолия (ЭС)–самый частый вид нарушения ритма, который, по данным
различных авторов, встречается до 95% людей [6, 7, 9, 12, 33, 49, 204, 224, 314, 321] …

Comparative risk of cardiac arrhythmias associated with acetylcholinesterase inhibitor use

Y Huang - 2021 - uwspace.uwaterloo.ca
Background: Acquired long-QT syndrome (ALQTS) and its associated condition, torsades de
pointes (TdP–a malignant cardiac arrhythmia), are associated with the use of certain …

[PDF][PDF] Экстрасистолическая аритмия-неучтенный фактор риска развития и прогрессирования атеросклероза магистральных артерий?

ОА Германова, Д Галати, ВА Германов… - Наука и инновации в …, 2021 - academia.edu
Аннотация Цель–определить гемодинамические изменения внутри артериальных
сосудов при различных вариантах экстрасистолии и проанализировать, является ли …