Neuronal cell death mechanisms in major neurodegenerative diseases

H Chi, HY Chang, TK Sang - International journal of molecular sciences, 2018 -
Neuronal cell death in the central nervous system has always been a challenging process to
decipher. In normal physiological conditions, neuronal cell death is restricted in the adult …

[HTML][HTML] Cortical layers: Cyto-, myelo-, receptor-and synaptic architecture in human cortical areas

N Palomero-Gallagher, K Zilles - Neuroimage, 2019 - Elsevier
Cortical layers have classically been identified by their distinctive and prevailing cell types
and sizes, as well as the packing densities of cell bodies or myelinated fibers. The densities …

Roles of aging in sleep

HH Zhong, BO Yu, D Luo, LY Yang, J Zhang… - Neuroscience & …, 2019 - Elsevier
With aging, various factors deteriorate the normal sleep process that is essential for the
restoration of functional and physical performance. Due to aging-related diseases, life …

What do we know about laminar connectivity?

KS Rockland - Neuroimage, 2019 - Elsevier
In this brief review, I attempt an overview of the main components of anatomical laminar-
level connectivity. These are: extrinsic outputs, excitatory and inhibitory intrinsic connectivity …

Neuronal Distribution Across the Cerebral Cortex of the Marmoset Monkey (Callithrix jacchus)

N Atapour, P Majka, IH Wolkowicz… - Cerebral …, 2019 -
Using stereological analysis of NeuN-stained sections, we investigated neuronal density
and number of neurons per column throughout the marmoset cortex. Estimates of mean …

Molecularly defined subplate neurons project both to thalamocortical recipient layers and thalamus

S Viswanathan, A Sheikh, LL Looger… - Cerebral cortex, 2017 -
In mammals, subplate neurons (SPNs) are among the first generated cortical neurons. While
most SPNs exist only transiently during development, a number of SPNs persist among adult …

White matter interstitial neurons in the adult human brain: 3% of cortical neurons in quest for recognition

G Sedmak, M Judaš - Cells, 2021 -
White matter interstitial neurons (WMIN) are a subset of cortical neurons located in the
subcortical white matter. Although they were fist described over 150 years ago, they are still …

Neuropeptide FF (NPFF)-positive nerve cells of the human cerebral cortex and white matter in controls, selected neurodegenerative diseases, and schizophrenia

D Wiesner, S Feldengut, S Woelfle… - Acta Neuropathologica …, 2024 - Springer
We quantified and determined for the first time the distribution pattern of the neuropeptide
NPFF in the human cerebral cortex and subjacent white matter. To do so, we studied n= 9 …

The total number of white matter interstitial neurons in the human brain

G Sedmak, M Judaš - Journal of anatomy, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
In the adult human brain, the interstitial neurons (WMIN) of the subcortical white matter are
the surviving remnants of the fetal subplate zone. It has been suggested that they perform …

Ferret brain possesses young interneuron collections equivalent to human postnatal migratory streams

JK Ellis, SF Sorrells, S Mikhailova… - Journal of …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
The human early postnatal brain contains late migratory streams of immature interneurons
that are directed to cortex and other focal brain regions. However, such migration is not …