[图书][B] Stress Theory of Values and Sociality

R Thornhill, CL Fincher - 2014 - Springer
This book grew out of our intensive research collaboration over the last 9 years. The order of
the book's authorship could have been determined by a coin flip. Shared interests in the …

Psychological origins of the industrial revolution

N Baumard - Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2019 - cambridge.org
Since the Industrial Revolution, human societies have experienced high and sustained rates
of economic growth. Recent explanations of this sudden and massive change in economic …

Behavioral immune system methods: Surveying the present to shape the future.

JM Tybur, WE Frankenhuis, TV Pollet - Evolutionary Behavioral …, 2014 - psycnet.apa.org
In the short history of behavioral immune system (BIS) research, scholars have developed a
number of empirical strategies for testing BIS hypotheses. These strategies have led to a …

Germs and the out-group: Chronic and situational disease concerns affect intergroup categorization.

A Makhanova, SL Miller, JK Maner - Evolutionary Behavioral …, 2015 - psycnet.apa.org
Throughout human evolutionary history, members of unfamiliar out-groups are likely to have
posed significant disease threats. The current studies assessed whether concerns about …

[HTML][HTML] Psychological and cultural effects of different kinds of danger. An exploration based on survey data from 79 countries

A Fog - Culture and Evolution, 2024 - akjournals.com
Individual danger and collective danger have very different effects according to the
predictions of a theory called regality theory, based on evolutionary psychology. This study …

Individual-level analyses of the impact of parasite stress on personality: Reduced openness only for older individuals

TL Mullett, GDA Brown, CL Fincher… - Personality and …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
The parasite stress hypothesis predicts that individuals living in regions with higher
infectious disease rates will show lower openness, agreeableness, and extraversion, but …

Political attitudes and disease threat: regional pathogen stress is associated with conservative ideology only for older individuals

GDA Brown, L Walasek, TL Mullett… - Personality and …, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
What environmental factors are associated with individual differences in political ideology,
and do such associations change over time? We examine whether reductions in pathogen …

The parasite-stress theory of sociality and the behavioral immune system

R Thornhill, CL Fincher - Evolutionary perspectives on social psychology, 2015 - Springer
The parasite-stress theory of sociality is a new perspective on human social psychology and
behavior. As an ecological and evolutionary theory of values or core preferences, it applies …

14 The Parasite-Stress Theory of Cultural Values and Sociality

R Thornhill, CL Fincher - 2020 - cambridge.org
People are parasitically modified animals as a result of interactions with parasites both
during evolutionary historical generations and during their lifetimes. By parasites we mean …

[PDF][PDF] Evolutionary theories of authoritarianism. A test and comparison of alternative theories

A Fog - … manuscript]. https://www. researchgate. net/publication …, 2019 - researchgate.net
Four causal theories of authoritarianism are compared:(1) intrapsychic problems according
to psychodynamic theory,(2) a dangerous world view according to a motivational theory of …