In this paper, I make two sets of suggestions of how collostructional analysis can be updated. One set of suggestions involves simplifying the analysis for descriptive/exploratory …
As the Dutch language lost its case system during the deflection process that has characterized many of the major European languages in the last millennium, its verbs …
L Romain - Cognitive Linguistics, 2022 -
This paper shows that low-level generalisations in argument structure constructions are crucial to understanding the concept of alternation: low-level generalisations inform and …
One essential feature of voice alternation is that active and passive clauses centred around a given verb express the same meaning: the “meaning-preserving” hypothesis. One effect of …
This paper discusses the meaning-preserving hypothesis of voice alternation in Indonesian from an LFG perspective. The hypothesis predicts that the meaning encoded by a transitive …
T Geleyn, T Colleman - Taal & Tongval, 2015 -
The Dutch aan-construction (eg Hij gaf een bos bloemen aan zijn vrouw 'He gave a bouquet to his wife'), the prepositional alternative for the double object construction (Hij gaf zijn vrouw …
T Dubois - Ditransitives in Germanic Languages, 2023 -
This study investigates the effects of lexical complexity on the choice of dative alternants in English and Dutch. The lexical complexity of a given word is operationalized as being …