Although prior research has demonstrated that reminders of money influence motivations and behaviors, there has been scant attention to whether money cues can alter …
In this paper, we study how stress affects risk taking in three tasks: individual lotteries, Stag Hunt (coordination) games, and Hawk-Dove (anti-coordination) games. Both control and …
Decision-making involves the selection of one from several distinct options with distinct outcomes. Although previous research on economic decision-making under risk probed …
Il disturbo da gioco d'azzardo è una patologia psichiatrica caratterizzata da una dipendenza dal gioco d'azzardo. I pazienti affetti da questo disturbo sperimentano una forte attrazione …
Succeeding under high pressure is highly beneficial not only for humans, but also for non- human animals. I studied a captive colony of socially-living tufted capuchin monkeys as a …