[PDF][PDF] Formation of psychophysical readiness of cadets for future professional activity

I Bloshchynskyi, GP Griban, I Okhrimenko… - The Open Sports …, 2021 - eprints.zu.edu.ua
The experience of combat operations conducting in the eastern part of U raine in 2014-2020
convincingly demonstrated the need to increase the requirements for professional training of …

Assessment of emotional state and mental activity of 15-16 year-old boys and girls who had a low level of physical activity

O Andrieieva, V Kashuba, I Karp, T Blystiv… - Journal of Physical …, 2019 - ibn.idsi.md
The paper presents the results of assessing the emotional state, mental activity, and the
level of physical activity in 15-16 year-old boys and girls. The validity and significance of the …

Influence of different training activities on development of junior athletes' logical thinking

G Griban, N Terentieva, P Tkachenko… - … Journal of Human …, 2021 - elibrary.kubg.edu.ua
The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of different training activities on the
development of the logical thinking of junior athletes who specialize in various sports. 131 …

Formation of the students' volitional qualities in the process of physical education

G Griban, O Kuznietsova, P Tkachenko, D Oleniev… - 2020 - rep.polessu.by
The aim of the study is to investigate the development level of the students' volitional
qualities and their impact on physical fitness. The research of the formation of the students' …

Indicators of physical activity and fitness of male students at Russian universities

AY Osipov, V Potop, RS Nagovitsyn… - Physical education of …, 2020 - sportedu.org.ua
Purpose: A significant volume of data on the level of physical activity and health of male
students presents at the literature. Scientists use the International Physical Activity …

Correction of the psychophysiological state of young men aged 11-12 years by means of hiking tourism

Y Galan, Y Korzh, T Zavgorodnia, I Strazhnikova… - 2019 - rep.btsau.edu.ua
The purpose of the study: to assess the impact of the training programme of tourism and
local history of out-ofschool education on the psycho-physiological state of young people …

Didactics: Methodological Approaches to Determining the Content of Physical Education Teacher Training

O Ivashchenko, R Muszkieta, V Potop - Journal of Learning Theory …, 2020 - ltmjournal.com
The objective of the study was to develop methodological approaches to determining the
content of physical education teacher training. Materials and methods. The study involved …

[HTML][HTML] Роль кафедры физического воспитания в формировании образовательного физкультурно-оздоровительного пространства университета

РК Бикмухаметов, ВЛ Калманович… - Наука и спорт …, 2022 - cyberleninka.ru
Цель. Разработать и структурировать модель функционирования кафедры
физического воспитания и спорта образовательной организации. Определить …

Психофізіологічні закономірності життєстійкості фахівців соціономічних професій

ОМ Кокун, ОМ Корніяка, ВВ Клименко, ГВ Гуменюк… - 2021 - lib.iitta.gov.ua
Колективна монографія стала основним підсумком виконання лабораторією вікової
психофізіології Інституту психології імені ГС Костюка НАПН України наукового …

The Influence of Physical Activity on Students' Psychological Well-Being.

A Kovalenko, E Grishchuk, N Rogal… - Romanian Journal …, 2020 - search.ebscohost.com
Purpose: study of influence of physical activity to person's psychological well-being.
Material: The study involved 198 respondents aged of 18 to 22 years, including 89 cadets of …