Vegetation ecology of dry acidic grasslands in the lowland area of central Europe

A Jentsch, W Beyschlag - Flora-Morphology, Distribution, Functional …, 2003 - Elsevier
Around 20 per cent of the Earth's land surface (excluding Antarctica) supports grasslands of
varying degrees of naturalness from those that are in pristine state to those that are …

Succession in inland sand ecosystems: which factors determine the occurrence of the tall grass species Calamagrostis epigejos (L.) Roth and Stipa capillata L.?

K Süß, C Storm, A Zehm, A Schwabe - Plant Biology, 2004 -
In many successional series, grass species play an important role in mid-successional
stages. Using calcareous sand ecosystems in the northern upper Rhine valley (Germany) as …

[PDF][PDF] Restorative grazing as a tool for directed succession with diaspore inoculation: the model of sand ecosystems

M Stroh, C Storm, A Zehm, A Schwabe - Phytocoenologia, 2002 -
In this study we examine the restoration of sand grassland target communities (belonging to
Koelerio-Corynephoretea, Festuco-Brometea) on bare ground. A field experiment was …

[PDF][PDF] What are the long-term effects of livestock grazing in steppic sandy grassland with high conservation value?: Results from a 12-year field study

A Schwabe - 2013 -
To examine the necessity of livestock grazing for managing threatened sand vegetation so
as to ensure and develop its nature-conservation value, we investigated a grazing system in …

[PDF][PDF] Vertragsnaturschutz im Wald: Bundesweite Bestandsaufnahme und Auswertung

W Güthler, R Market, A Häusler, M Dolek - BfN-Skripten, 2005 -
Maßnahmen des Vertragsnaturschutzes sind ein breit akzeptiertes Instrument des
integrativen Naturschutzes. Im Gegensatz zur Landwirtschaft sind Umfang und Wirkungen …

Epizoochorous and post-dispersal processes in a rare plant species: Jurinea cyanoides (L.) Rchb.(Asteraceae)

C Eichberg, C Storm, A Schwabe - Flora-Morphology, Distribution …, 2005 - Elsevier
We used Jurinea cyanoides as a model plant species to ask the question whether sheep
play a dual role in enabling the establishment of a rare species (1) by epizoochorous …

A differentiating method for seed bank analysis: validation and application to successional stages of Koelerio-Corynephoretea inland sand vegetation.

C Eichberg, C Storm, A Kratochwil, A Schwabe - 2006 -
Sampling of soil seed banks is known to be methodologically difficult, as diaspore
distribution in soil is often patchy. Especially rare plant species are inherently difficult to …

renaturierung von Sandökosystemen im Binnenland

A Schwabe, A Kratochwil - Renaturierung von Ökosystemen in …, 2009 - Springer
Zusammenfassung Das Vorkommen von Sandökosystemen im Binnenland (Flugsand-und
Decksandfelder, Dünen) ist vor allem an Sand-Akkumulationen der vorletzten Eiszeit (in …

Drastic site-preparation is key for the successful reintroduction of the endangered grassland species Jurinea cyanoides

S Tischew, F Kommraus, LK Fischer, I Kowarik - Biological Conservation, 2017 - Elsevier
Reintroducing endangered plant species is an important conservation strategy. However,
only a few studies evaluate their long-term reintroduction success. Because such …

[PDF][PDF] Responses of flower phenology and seed production under cattle grazing impact in sandy grasslands

A Kratochwil, S Fock, D Remy, A Schwabe - Phytocoenologia, 2002 -
The impact of cattle grazing on selected characteristic and dominant plant species of three
sandy grassland communities in northwestern Germany (Spergulo-Corynep ho retum …