Mapping racial capitalism: Implications for law

C Gonzalez, A Mutua - Journal of Law and Political Economy, 2022 -
The theory of racial capitalism offers insights into the relationship between class and race,
providing both a structural and a historical account of the ways in which the two are linked in …

Food security and power struggle in the Chinese 'battle of the beans'

TM Fares - The Journal of Peasant Studies, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
The mid-2000s foreign headway over China's soybean downstream complex, known as the
battle of the beans, reinforced an uncritical nationalist discourse over food security based on …

Power struggle and capitalist transnationalisation of China's soybean downstream complex

TM Fares - 2022 -
This thesis examines the power struggle between the different class fractions involved in the
capitalist expansion of China's soybean downstream complex since the late 1980s. Drawing …

[HTML][HTML] L'Inde en Afrique ou l'impossible rattrapage vis-à-vis de la Chine

X Aurégan - L'Espace Politique. Revue en ligne de …, 2019 -
Depuis la Conférence de Bandung en 1955, une constante caractérise les gouvernements
indiens et chinois: ils ont tous deux l'ambition de (re) devenir un acteur incontournable des …

Le rêve chinois: imaginaire social ou slogan politique?

Y Wang - Sociétés, 2014 -
Weber a affirmé que l'État permet d'améliorer la vie du peuple seulement s' il joue le rôle de
serviteur et non de décideur. Il est évident que le système politique en Chine ne possède …

Desigualdade de renda, pobreza e políticas públicas sociais: comparações entre Brasil e China (2000-2020)

AA Santos - 2021 -
Após uma era em que o neoliberalismo foi exaltado e a eficiência dos mercados
considerada incontestável, nota-se a volta de discussões sobre dois problemas crônicos da …

Kapitalizm için Çalışmak: Çin'de İşgücü Piyasasının İnşası

K Gökten - Çalışma ve Toplum, 2012 -
Çin'in çarpıcı yükselişi, küresel kapitalizmin içinde bulunduğu yeniden yapılanma döneminin
en önemli gelişmelerinden biridir.“Reform ve dışa açıklık” mottosuyla hayata geçirilen tedrici …

[图书][B] The state and capital in China

R Souza - 2021 -
The State and Capital in China offers a critical interpretation of Chinese recent history,
scrutinizing the political and economic turnaround post-1978. It analyzes the dynamics of the …

La Chine dans l'espace et le rêve chinois

I Sourbès-Verger - Monde chinois, 2020 -
L'importance symbolique des capacités spatiales comme démonstration de la modernité et
de la puissance chinoise est clairement énoncée dès 1956, un an avant le lancement par …

[PDF][PDF] Building Fortress Europe Economic realism, China, and Europe's investment screening mechanisms

N Flaherty - 2023 -
This thesis deals with the construction of investment screening mechanisms across the
major economic powers in Europe and at the supranational level during the post-2015 …