ТН Канонир - Психология. Журнал Высшей школы экономики, 2019 - cyberleninka.ru
В фокусе данного исследования находятся проблема субъективного благополучия учащихся и связь субъективного благополучия с уровнем учебных достижений в …
The study aimed to investigate the effect of GeoGebra on students' ability to learn calculus. Calculus can be a challenging subject to teach. Moreover, students have problems …
It is common for students to make mistakes while solving mathematical problems. Some of these mistakes might be caused by the false ideas, or misconceptions, that students …
КА Баженова, ОВ Знаменская - 2017 - dspace.kpfu.ru
Цель данного исследования-обосновать включение конструкта убеждения (beliefs) учителя в качестве необходимого элемента схемы анализа образовательной практики …
Most students begin their university studies with adequate mathematical skills to succeed in general chemistry. However, students have a demonstrated difficulty with the application of …
The sociological turn of sport coaching research still informs much of our understanding of the activity (Corsby & Edwards, 2019). However, whilst much of our view of sport coaching …
НВ Лебедева, КА Вилкова - Психологическая наука и …, 2019 - psyjournals.ru
Аннотация Образовательные достижения учеников могут быть связаны не только с уровнем полученных знаний, но и с такими индивидуальными характеристиками, как …
This study investigated the understanding which University of Zambia (UNZA) first year students of mathematics had of specific concepts in selected mathematics topics. Procedural …
This dissertation examined how the perception of the achievement-emotion of boredom impacted the academic agency of sixth-grade mathematics students. The study for this …