Noun/verb dissociations in the literature defy interpretation due to the confound between lexical category and semantic meaning; nouns and verbs typically describe concrete objects …
A referential hierarchy is a scalar representation of types of referents or referring expressions that are ranked according to their deictic, semantic, and/or discourse-pragmatic …
Mundari, an Austroasiatic language of India (Munda family), has often been cited as an example of a language without word classes, where a single word can function as noun …
The present study investigates the Nanwang dialect of the Puyuma language, spoken by the people in Nanwang and Paoshang Suburbs of Taitung City in southern Taiwan. The aim of …
This book is an in-depth study of the voice systems of Totoli, Balinese, Indonesian, and Tagalog, which shows that the symmetrical nature of these systems poses a problem to …
The Austronesian languages comprise a vast family with some 1,268 members spanning half of the globe, from Rapanui (Easter Island) on its Eastern boundary, to Malagasy …
This paper considers the question of the extent to which Malay/Indonesian dialects manifest a voice system similar to the so-called “Philippine-type”,“symmetric” voice systems (the voice …
This dissertation investigates the nature of the Philippine-type voice system and two associated diachronic questions:(i) what is the nature of noun-verb (nominalizer-voice affix) …
This study deals with transitivity and actancy structure in Formosan and Philippine languages. Based on textual analyses of two Formosan languages (Kavalan and Atayal) …