The social significance of subtle signals

R Bliege Bird, E Ready, EA Power - Nature human behaviour, 2018 -
Acts of prosociality, such as donating to charity, are often analysed in a similar way to acts of
conspicuous advertising; both involve costly signals revealing hidden qualities that increase …

[HTML][HTML] Leadership and the voluntary provision of public goods: Field evidence from Bolivia

BK Jack, MP Recalde - Journal of Public Economics, 2015 - Elsevier
We conduct a controlled field experiment in 52 communities in rural Bolivia to investigate the
effect that local authorities have on voluntary public good provision. In our study, community …

The effect of status on charitable giving

CS Kumru, L Vesterlund - Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Fundraisers often start their campaigns by soliciting the wealthier, more recognized, and
respected individuals in a community. We examine whether the success of this solicitation …

Using experimental methods to understand why and how we give to charity

L Vesterlund - Handbook of experimental economics, 2016 -
Individuals who are concerned for a nonprofit's mission benefit from activities that increase
the nonprofit's output. As these benefits are enjoyed by anyone with similar concerns …

Incentives for prosocial behavior: The role of reputations

C Exley - Management Science, 2018 -
Do monetary incentives encourage volunteering? Or, do they introduce concerns about
appearing greedy and crowd out the motivation to volunteer? Since the importance of such …

Experimenter demand effects

J De Quidt, L Vesterlund, AJ Wilson - Handbook of research …, 2019 -
In conducting experiments, we hope to uncover causal evidence of behavioral regularities
that can inform theory, and effects that are predictive both of behavior in similar experimental …

Social image concerns and welfare take-up

J Friedrichsen, T König, R Schmacker - Journal of Public Economics, 2018 - Elsevier
Using a laboratory experiment, we present first evidence that social image concerns
causally reduce the take-up of an individually beneficial transfer. Our design manipulates …

Status and the demand for visible goods: Experimental evidence on conspicuous consumption

D Clingingsmith, RM Sheremeta - Experimental Economics, 2018 - Springer
Some economists argue that consumption of publicly visible goods is driven by social status.
Making a causal inference about this claim is difficult with observational data. We conduct an …

Hide the light or let it shine? Examining the factors influencing the effect of publicizing donations on donors' happiness

X Wang, L Tong - International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2015 - Elsevier
Conflicting arguments exist for whether charities should publicize or ask donors to publicize
their charitable contributions. The current research provides an initial examination of the …

“Give less but give smart”: Experimental evidence on the effects of public information about quality on giving

L Butera, J Horn - Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2020 - Elsevier
We conduct a laboratory experiment to test how information about charities' qualities and its
public visibility affect giving. We first show theoretically that a perceived increase in charities' …