The increasingly open social interactions make students easily trapped in various destructive practices that impact their academic performance. On the other hand, there are …
This study examined teachers' level of preparedness in implementing Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) for science-learning areas in public primary schools in Nairobi County …
Widely accepted as a foundational course within health professions education, anatomy is often taken at the beginning of the health professional curriculum and students are expected …
Schriftliche Prüfungen stellen einen wesentlichen Teil der Ausbildung von Studierenden dar. Sie dokumentieren, inwieweit Studierende mit den curricularen Inhalten des Studiums …
E Parahyanti, M Rizky - Psympathic: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi, 2022 -
This study aimed to examine the antecedents of Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB) by investigating two dimensions of self-control, namely stop and start control, as mediators …
Higher education institutions face heightened accountability for student success. As such, higher education relies heavily on big data to predict student outcomes. This process is …
The current study investigated the effectiveness of mindfulness training in reducing stress and increasing academic performance among Uzbek English language students. The …
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the need for implementation of evidence-based anxiety-reducing interventions at a College of Nursing in the southeastern United States …