Fibre breaks govern the strength of unidirectional composite materials under tension. The progressive development of fibre breaks is studied using in situ X-ray computed …
Climate impact has been one of the emerging issues currently leading to severe environmental impacts such as rising sea levels and droughts. One viable way to address …
C Breite - KULeuven, Leuven, 2021 -
My doctoral studies have been conducted as a part of the FiBreMoD project, which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation …
Hybrid fiber-reinforced polymer composites comprised of glass and steel fibers in a resin matrix have been shown to have increased strength and energy dissipation compared to …
Abstract (DE) Trotz der guten Drapierbarkeit ist das Formen von flachen Mehrlagen- Gestricken (MLG) zu 3D-Preforms für schalenartige Faser-Kunststoff-Verbund (FKV) …