Social media use and college students' academic performance: Student engagement as a mediator

X Su, J Huang - Social Behavior and Personality: an …, 2021 -
We investigated the relationships between students' social media use, engagement, and
academic performance, proposing that student engagement would mediate the social media …

Developing cross-cultural managerial skills through social media

C Wankel - Journal of Organizational Change Management, 2016 -
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to familiarize managers with alternative social media
applications of cross-cultural training approaches. Design/methodology/approach–This …

[PDF][PDF] A framework for introducing social media in education: a student perspective survey

G Lampropoulos, K Siakas, T Anastasiadis, E Siakas - INSPIRE XXV, 2020 -
Social media plays a vital role in providing us with information about different aspects of our
daily lives and it has evolved in an integral part of modern society. Moreover, social media …

[PDF][PDF] Reflections on e-Learning in the Time of Coronavirus: The Nordic Experience and Ethical Considerations-Back to the Future with The e-Learners Manifesto

E Berki - Proceedings of the 25th Annual INSPIRE Conference; …, 2020 -
A new social distancing reality and new distance learning challenges were created by the
new Covid-19 virus and the threat of its further spread. This research study critically presents …

Opettajien, oppilaiden ja vanhempien näkemyksiä sosiaalisen median hyödyistä ja haasteista

S Pietiläinen - 2017 -
Lapset ja nuoret käyttävät nykyään paljon aikaa sosiaalisessa mediassa. Kouluissa
sosiaalisen median käyttö on kuitenkin melko vähäistä. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on …

Motivation in secondary school English learning: Students' views on their “ideal L2 selves”

E Kangashaka - 2018 -
The concept of motivation is widely used when talking about learning but defining such a
vast concept can be difficult. This thesis will use the definition offered by Keller (1983: 389) …