A Alexiadou - Language and Linguistics Compass, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Nominalizations: A Probe into the Architecture of Grammar Part II: The Aspectual Properties of Nominalizations, and the Lexicon vs. Syntax Debate - Alexiadou - 2010 - Language and …
P Haas, R Huyghe, R Marín - Congrès Mondial de Linguistique …, 2008 - u-paris.hal.science
Notre contribution a pour thème l'analyse sémantique des noms qui ont un correspondant morphologique dans le domaine verbal (eg construction, marche, accouchement …
As the study of lexical aspect (or Aktionsart) has extended from the verbal domain to the domain of eventuality-denoting nouns, it has become natural to ask to what extent the …
Eventive deverbal nouns (henceforth EDNs) can be formed with at least three suffixes in French, namely-age,-ment and-ion. The goal of this paper is to explain the distribution of …
Deverbal-er nominals (driver, lifesaver, blender) may have eventive properties as they may or may not entail the occurrence of an actual event. For Rappaport Hovav and Levin (1992) …
This volume presents new work by leading researchers on central themes in the study of event structure: the nature and representation of telicity, change, and the notion of state. The …
R Huyghe, R Marín - Faits de langues, 2007 - u-paris.hal.science
L'objet de cet article est de déterminer si les noms déverbaux français et espagnols présentent des traces de la valeur aspectuelle de leurs verbes d'origine. Sont d'abord …
Aquesta tesi investiga fenòmens d'escalaritat en l'àmbit nominal a través d'un subgrup d'adjectius adverbials prenominals en espanyol, els adjectius de veracitat (AV; …
R Huyghe - Recherches linguistiques de Vincennes, 2011 - journals.openedition.org
Many linguists have pointed out a correspondence between the mass-count distinction in the nominal domain and the aspectual classification in the verbal domain. An analogy is …