[PDF][PDF] Annotating discourse connectives in spoken Turkish

I Demirsahin, D Zeyrek - Proceedings of LAW VIII-The 8th …, 2014 - aclanthology.org
In an attempt to extend Penn Discourse Tree Bank (PDTB)/Turkish Discourse Bank (TDB)
style annotations to spoken Turkish, this paper presents the first attempt at annotating the …

[PDF][PDF] Sustaining a corpus for spoken Turkish discourse: Accessibility and corpus management issues

Ş Ruhi, B Eröz-Tuğa, Ç Hatipoğlu… - … : From Storyboard to …, 2010 - academia.edu
This paper addresses the issues of the long-term availability of language resources and the
financing of resource maintenance in the context of the web-based corpus management …

[PDF][PDF] Designing a multimodal spoken component of the Australian National Corpus

M Haugh - Haugh et al.(eds), 2009 - academia.edu
Spoken language and interaction lie at the core of human experience. The primary medium
of communication is speech, with some estimating the ratio of spoken-written language to be …

The Turkish aorist and progressive: Present tense, future tense, or what?

M Kanık - Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 2015 - dergipark.org.tr
This paper investigates the uses of the aorist and the progressive tenses in spoken Turkish
and the extent to which they are used interchangeably. Demo version of Spoken Turkish …

[PDF][PDF] Sözlü Türkçe Derleminde Geniş Zaman ve Şimdiki Zamanın İşlevleri

M Kanık - Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 2015 - academia.edu
Öz Bu çalışmada Türkçe konuşma dilinde geniş ve şimdiki zamanın kullanımlarını
araştırmak amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla, Sözlü Türkçe Derlemi deneme sürümü, EXMARaLDA …

[PDF][PDF] Discourse structure in simultaneous spoken turkish

I Demirsahin - Proceedings of acl 2012 student research …, 2012 - aclanthology.org
The current debate regarding the data structure necessary to represent discourse structure,
specifically whether tree-structure is sufficient to represent discourse structure or not, is …

Spoken language in TV series: A comparative corpus analysis

H Sezgin - 2019 - search.proquest.com
Bu çalışmanın amacı, öğrencilerin televizyon dizilerini izlemeye dair tercihlerini ve gerçek
hayatta konuşulan dilin televizyon dizilerinde ne ölçüde yansıtıldığını ortaya çıkarmaktır …


İ Dili - researchgate.net
In this study, the interaction between lexis and grammar in Turkish is examined by using
both corpus-based and corpus-driven pattern grammar methods. The aims of the study are …

[PDF][PDF] Achieving representativeness through the parameters of spoken language and discursive features: the case of the Spoken Turkish Corpus

H IġIK-GÜLER, Ç HATĠPOĞLU, B ERÖZ-TUĞA… - std.metu.edu.tr
In this paper we overview the ongoing debate on achieving representativeness in general
spoken corpora with the purpose of proposing a model for spoken corpora design and …

[引用][C] A description of the verb gel-with special reference to pattern grammar

UU Demirhan - Unpublished MA Dissertation). Mersin …, 2013 - platform.almanhal.com
منصة المنهل لقد انتهت الجلسة. يرجى العمل على إعادة تحديث الصفحة إعادة تحديث يرجى الانتظار...
يتم تحضير الملف الاستخدام المجاني إذا كنت ترغب في الوصول الكامل إلى هذا المحتوى وقاعدة …