Mechanisms of amyloid fibril formation by proteins

S Kumar, JB Udgaonkar - Current Science, 2010 - JSTOR
Understanding the structural heterogeneity inherent in the process of amyloid fibril formation
is an important goal of protein aggregation studies. Structural heterogeneity in amyloid fibrils …

A look back at the molten globule state of proteins: Thermodynamic aspects

E Judy, N Kishore - Biophysical Reviews, 2019 - Springer
Interest in protein folding intermediates lies in their significance to protein folding pathways.
The molten globule (MG) state is one such intermediate lying on the kinetic (and sometimes …

Thermodynamics of denaturation of barstar: evidence for cold denaturation and evaluation of the interaction with guanidine hydrochloride

VR Agashe, JB Udgaonkar - Biochemistry, 1995 - ACS Publications
MATERIALS AND METHODS Protein Purification. The plasmid encoding the gene for
barstar (pMT316) was a generous gift from Dr. RW Hartley (1988) and was expressed in …

Use of fluorescence decay times of 8-ANS-protein complexes to study the conformational transitions in proteins which unfold through the molten globule state

VN Uversky, S Winter, G Löber - Biophysical chemistry, 1996 - Elsevier
The conformational transitions starting with the native protein, passing the molten globule
state and finally approaching the unfolded state of proteins was investigated for bovine …

Photoluminescence quenching of silicon nanoparticles in phospholipid vesicle bilayers

H Jang, LE Pell, BA Korgel, DS English - Journal of Photochemistry and …, 2003 - Elsevier
Due to its unique optical properties, nanostructured silicon is a promising material for
optoelectronic applications, solar energy conversion and chemical sensors. This paper …

Disruption of spatial proximities among charged groups in equilibrium-denatured states of proteins tracked using protein charge transfer spectra

A Priyadarshi, HM Devi, R Swaminathan - Biochemistry, 2023 - ACS Publications
The absorption and luminescence originating from protein charge transfer spectra
(ProCharTS) depend on the proximity between multiple charged groups in a protein. This …

How do surfactants and DTT affect the size, dynamics, activity and growth of soluble lysozyme aggregates?

S Kumar, VK Ravi, R Swaminathan - Biochemical Journal, 2008 -
The early intermediates in the protein aggregation pathway, the elusive soluble aggregates,
play a pivotal role in growth and maturation of ordered aggregates such as amyloid fibrils …

Analysis of fluorescence decay by the maximum entropy method: influence of noise and analysis parameters on the width of the distribution of lifetimes

R Swaminathan, N Periasamy - Proceedings of the Indian Academy of …, 1996 - Springer
Maximum entropy method (MEM) was used for resolving multiple decay components in
synthetic and experimental time-resolved fluorescence decay. The distribution of lifetimes is …

Novel Absorption and Fluorescence Characteristics of l-Lysine

L Homchaudhuri, R Swaminathan - Chemistry Letters, 2001 -
Abstract l-Lysine displays new absorption and fluorescence features at high concentrations
(∼ 0.5 M) in aqueous medium. A new absorption peak was detected around∼ 270 nm (ε …

Mechanism of formation of amyloid protofibrils of barstar from soluble oligomers: evidence for multiple steps and lateral association coupled to conformational …

S Kumar, SK Mohanty, JB Udgaonkar - Journal of molecular biology, 2007 - Elsevier
Understanding the heterogeneity of the soluble oligomers and protofibrillar structures that
form initially during the process of amyloid fibril formation is a critical aspect of elucidating …