Patient choice as a means of empowerment in opioid substitution treatment: a case from Sweden

L Andersson, B Johnson - Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Patient choice of treatment provider was introduced within opioid substitution treatment in
the southern Swedish county of Skåne in 2014. Substitution treatment has often been …

Mäns våld mot kvinnor: Diskurser och kunskap i det sociala arbetets praktik

H Hoppstadius - 2020 -
Mäns våld mot kvinnor är ett globalt socialt problem som drabbar kvinnor oavsett var de
lever. Beräkningar pekar på att var tredje kvinna på jorden har utsatts för våld någon gång …

The “black box” of treatment: Patients' perspective on what works in opioid maintenance treatment for opioid dependence

TC Silva, FB Andersson - Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and …, 2021 - Springer
Background A lack of conceptual modeling of how the components of opioid maintenance
treatment (OMT) for opioid dependence (OD) work causes it to occasionally be labeled the …

The effect of company characteristics on working capital management: A quantitative study of Swedish listed companies

A Rimo, P Panbunyuen - 2010 -
This study investigates the effect of company characteristics on the working capital
management. We employed quantitative method to examine the relationship between …

[PDF][PDF] Impact of working capital management on firms' performance: The case of selected metal manufacturing companies in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

W Mengesha - Jimma: Jimma University, 2014 -
Management of working capital refers to management of current assets and current
liabilities. Firms may have an optimal level of working capital that maximizes their value …

Improving operational safety during icebreaker operations

M Boström, C Österman - WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 2017 - Springer
The study presented in this paper aims at investigating what safety measures that can be
taken to improve the operational safety during icebreaker operations in the Baltic Sea …

[图书][B] Avioero suomalaisen miehen kokemana: Ero ja erosta toipuminen prosessina

J Koskela - 2012 -
The subject of the study is the men's divorce. The examined divorces have taken place at the
women's instigation. The methods of the study are qualitative. The data of the study is the …

Is it normal to be depressed in old age? Needs assessors' conceptions of older people's mental illness

M Elmersjö, E Hansen, ML Victor - Health & Social Care in the …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The article contributes to the research on older people's mental illness through its focus on
how needs assessors conceive mental illness amongst older people and their strategies for …

Språkduschtandem som språköverskridande arbetssätt i småbarnspedagogiken: Pedagogers och barns upplevelser

A Nordblad - 2023 -
Språkduschtandem är en form av språkberikad verksamhet. En verksamhet där mindre än
25% av undervisningen sker på ett annat språk avses vara språkberikad. Enligt Grunderna …

Liksom... att jag har en fri vilja: brukares självbestämmande i gruppbostad och personlig assistans inom LSS

G Nyberg - 2020 -
The aim of this licentiate thesis is to investigate how self-determination for users with
intellectual disabilities is experienced and described by users themselves, as well as by the …