M Canevaro - From Homer to Solon, 2022 - brill.com
What the 'Solonian programme'of socio-economic reforms intended to achieve—in fact, the very possibility of identifying such a programme in the legislative action of the Archaic …
Ever since Ruschenbusch published his seminal study of the laws of Solon, the near universal assumption in scholarship has been that the Solonian 'amnesty law', quoted by …
G Mager - Histos, the New Electronic Journal of Ancient …, 2022 - lirias.kuleuven.be
The present article studies Aristotle's concept of social peace which presupposes a stable politeia based on homonoia between rich and poor, and the existence of a broad middle …
Résumé La présente étude aborde la notion de «changement» dans le cadre de la cité grecque de l'époque classique, mais du côté opposé, celui de la continuité historique. Pour …
The aim of the article is to identify the tradition to which the Herodotean version of Solonian's apodemia (latency) can be traced. While scholars recognised the dependence of the later …
E Poddighe - NUOVA BIBLIOTECA DI STUDI CLASSICI E …, 2023 - iris.unica.it
In a volume focused on the problem of legitimizing change and innovation (political, legal, social, cultural) the Athenians' oaths to observe Solon's laws represent a case study worth …
The Athenaion Politeia chapter 41.2 lists eleven changes (metabolai) to the Athenian political system from the heroic age to the democratic restoration of Thrasybulus in 403 BCE; …
D Correa - Crises (Staseis) and Changes (Metabolai): Athenian …, 2022 - books.google.com
The Athenaion Politeia chapter 41.2 lists eleven changes (metabolai) to the Athenian political system from the heroic age to the democratic restoration of Thrasybulus in 403 BCE; …
Apodemia è parola greca che definisce la condizione della lontananza dalla patria1. Di norma, indica l'allontanamento volontario dalla comunità (demos individua in questo caso il …