Web 2.0, synthetic immersive environments, and mobile resources for language education

JM Sykes, AnaOskoz, SL Thorne - Calico Journal, 2008 - JSTOR
In light of the increasingly blurred line between mediated and nonmediated contexts for
social, professional, and educational purposes, attention to the presence and use of …

Technology and foreign language anxiety: Implications for practice and future research

S Aydın - Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 2018 - dergipark.org.tr
Please fill up the following information accurately.(Please use Times New Roman, 12 pt.
Technology and foreign language anxiety: Implications for practice and future research It is …

[图书][B] Virtual learning environments: Using, choosing and developing your VLE

M Weller - 2007 - taylorfrancis.com
Virtual learning environments are widely spread in higher education, yet they are often
under utilised by the institutions that employ them. This book addresses the need to move …

Podcasting: An effective tool for honing language students' pronunciation?

L Ducate, L Lomicka - Language Learning & Technology, 2009 - scholarcommons.sc.edu
This paper reports on an investigation of podcasting as a tool for honing pronunciation skills
in intermediate language learning. We examined the effects of using podcasts to improve …

[PDF][PDF] Oral computer-mediated interaction between L2 learners: It's about time!

Í Yanguas - 2010 - scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu
This study explores task-based, synchronous oral computer-mediated communication
(CMC) among intermediate-level learners of Spanish. In particular, this paper examines (a) …

[图书][B] The handbook of language teaching

MH Long, C Doughty - 2009 - Wiley Online Library
David Brett worked in Italy as an ESL teacher for 10 years before becoming a researcher in
English Linguistics at the University of Sassari. He has published and presented widely on …

Integrating CALL into the classroom: The role of podcasting in an ESL listening strategies course

A O'brien, V Hegelheimer - ReCALL, 2007 - cambridge.org
Despite the increase of teacher preparation programs that emphasize the importance of
training teachers to select and develop appropriate computer-assisted language learning …

Podcasting communities and second language pronunciation

G Lord - Foreign Language Annals, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Although often neglected in language classrooms, second language phonology is a crucial
element in language learning because it is often the most salient feature in the speech of a …

Apropriação do telemóvel como ferramenta de mediação em mobile learning. Estudos de caso em contexto educativo

AMC Moura - 2010 - search.proquest.com
Os dispositivos móveis-Telemóvel, PDA, Pocket PC, Tablet PC–têm vindo a ser usados
como ferramentas de aprendizagem em mobile learning. A emergência de novos cenários …

[PDF][PDF] Commentary: Learner-based listening and technological authenticity

R Robin - 2007 - scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu
Language teachers know that even the best technology cannot provide the high degree of
interaction required to acquire meaningful proficiency in a foreign language. Even the most …