Personal data stores (PDS): a review

KU Fallatah, M Barhamgi, C Perera - Sensors, 2023 -
Internet services have collected our personal data since their inception. In the beginning, the
personal data collection was uncoordinated and was limited to a few selected data types …

The RML ontology: A community-driven modular redesign after a decade of experience in mapping heterogeneous data to RDF

A Iglesias-Molina, D Van Assche… - International Semantic …, 2023 - Springer
Abstract The Relational to RDF Mapping Language (R2RML) became a W3C
Recommendation a decade ago. Despite its wide adoption, its potential applicability beyond …

Making sense of Solid for data governance and GDPR

HJ Pandit - Information, 2023 -
Solid is a new radical paradigm based on decentralising control of data from central
organisations to individuals that seeks to empower individuals to have active control of who …

Is Automated Consent in Solid GDPR-Compliant? An Approach for Obtaining Valid Consent with the Solid Protocol

M Florea, B Esteves - Information, 2023 -
Personal Information Management Systems (PIMS) are acquiring a prominent role in the
data economy by promoting services that help individuals to have more control over the …

Exploring Data Intermediaries as Infrastructure for a Human-Centric Data Economy: Speculations & Critical Reflections

S Barnett, N Brand, W Odom, K Andres - Nordic Human-Computer …, 2022 -
Through participating in our contemporary digitally-mediated society individuals are
surveilled, generating data about them that is analyzed and aggregated to create …

Report on the Workshop on Personal Knowledge Graphs (PKG 2021) at AKBC 2021

K Balog, P Mirza, MG Skjæveland, Z Wang - ACM SIGIR Forum, 2023 -
The term personal knowledge graph (PKG) has been broadly used to refer to structured
representation of information about a given user, primarily in the form of entities that are …

Solid: Enabler of decentralized, digital platforms ecosystems

M Verstraete, S Verbrugge, D Colle - 2022 -
This paper studies the decentralized, digital ecosystem that is enabled by the Solid
specification. Solid provides the possibility to break through data silos and simultaneously …

I Consent to These Terms': A Legal and Technical Approach for Obtaining Valid Consent in Solid

M Florea, B Esteves - 2023 -
Abstract Personal Information Management Systems (PIMS) are acquiring a prominent role
in the data economy by promoting products and services that help individuals to manage …

The RML Ontology: A Community-Driven Modular Redesign After a Decade of Experience in Mapping Heterogeneous Data to RDF

B De Meester, C Debruyne, S Jozashoori, P Maria… - Springer
The Relational to RDF Mapping Language (R2RML) became a W3C Recommendation a
decade ago. Despite its wide adoption, its potential applicability beyond relational …