Semantically augmented exploitation of pervasive environments by intelligent agents

A Amato, B Di Martino… - 2012 IEEE 10th …, 2012 -
Mobile devices can be used to improve the exploitation of reality by the user in pervasive
environments. In this paper we present a software framework for augmenting the user's …

Semantic brokering of multimedia contents for smart delivery of ubiquitous services in pervasive environments

A Amato, B Di Martino, S Venticinque - 2012 -
With the proliferation of modern mobile devices having the capability to interact each other
and with the environment in a transparent manner, there is an increase in the development …

[PDF][PDF] Trasformazione di un ambiente fisico in Cyber-Physical Ecosystem

P De Luca, TS Cinotti, F Vergari, A D'Elia, F Morandi -
Obiettivo di questo lavoro di tesie il perfezionamento di un sistema di Health Smart Home,
ovvero un ambiente fisico (ad esempio un'abitazione) che incorpora una rete di …

Towards combining interactive mobile TV and smart spaces: architectures, tools and application development

MM Saleemi - 2013 -
Technological developments in microprocessors and ICT landscape have made a shift to a
new era where computing power is embedded in numerous small distributed objects and …