Allah Transendental yang Dinamis: Kristus Pembebas dalam Gustavo Gutierrez dan Aloysius Pieris

GH Sitorus, RF Simarmata - PASCA: Jurnal Teologi dan …, 2024 -
This article aims to offer an alternative understanding of the dynamic transcendental God
based on the thoughts of Gustavo Gutierrez and Aloysius Pieris. The paradigm of Christ's …

Reinterpretasi Misteri Kematian Uza Sebagai Implementasi Kekudusan di Era Disrupsi: Kajian Hermeneutik dalam 2 Samuel 6: 6-7

AA Pattinaja - Sabda: Jurnal Teologi Kristen, 2024 -
Uza's death is still a mystery. Various debates have arisen as to the reason behind Uza's
death. The reinterpretation of Uza's death is needed to place this story in the right …