Inner and outer bounds for the Gaussian cognitive interference channel and new capacity results

S Rini, D Tuninetti, N Devroye - IEEE Transactions on …, 2012 -
The capacity of the Gaussian cognitive interference channel, a variation of the classical two-
user interference channel where one of the transmitters (referred to as cognitive) has …

New inner and outer bounds for the memoryless cognitive interference channel and some new capacity results

S Rini, D Tuninetti, N Devroye - IEEE Transactions on …, 2011 -
The cognitive interference channel is a two-user interference channel in which one
transmitter is non-causally provided with the message of the other transmitter. This channel …

Broadcasting strategies for cognitive radio networks: Taxonomy, issues, and open challenges

B Rashid, MH Rehmani, A Ahmad - Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2016 - Elsevier
Broadcasting is the simplest form of communication in which nodes disseminate the same
information simultaneously to all of their neighbors. Broadcasting has been widely used in …

Relaying in the presence of interference: Achievable rates, interference forwarding, and outer bounds

I Marić, R Dabora, AJ Goldsmith - IEEE Transactions on …, 2012 -
The smallest network model that captures relaying in the presence of multiple
communicating pairs causing interference to each other is the interference channel with a …

On the capacity of the interference channel with a cognitive relay

S Rini, D Tuninetti, N Devroye… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2014 -
The interference channel with a cognitive relay (IFC-CR) consists of the classical IFC with
two independent source-destination pairs whose communication are aided by an additional …

A novel ARQ scheme based on network coding theory in cognitive radio networks

Y Liu, Z Feng, P Zhang - 2010 IEEE International Conference …, 2010 -
In this paper, Network Coding (NC) Theory is introduced to improve efficiency of the
traditional ARQ scheme for Cognitive Radio (CR) broadcast, named as NC-ARQ, in which …

State of the cognitive interference channel: a new unified inner bound

S Rini, D Tuninetti, N Devroye - arXiv preprint arXiv:0910.3028, 2009 -
The capacity region of the interference channel in which one transmitter non-causally knows
the message of the other, termed the cognitive interference channel, has remained open …

Outer bounds for the interference channel with a cognitive relay

S Rini, D Tuninetti, N Devroye - 2010 IEEE Information Theory …, 2010 -
In this paper, we first present an outer bound for a general interference channel with a
cognitive relay, ie, a relay that has non-causal knowledge of both independent messages …

Interference channel with a causal relay under strong and very strong interference

H Chang, SY Chung, S Kim - IEEE transactions on information …, 2013 -
In this paper, we study a two-user interference channel with a causal relay, where the relay's
transmit symbol depends not only on its past received symbols, but also on its present …

On the capacity of interference channel with causal and noncausal generalized feedback at the cognitive transmitter

M Mirmohseni, B Akhbari… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2012 -
In this paper, taking into account the effect of link delays, we investigate the capacity region
of the cognitive interference channel (C-IFC), where cognition can be obtained from either …