Advanced visualization engineering for vision disorders: a clinically focused guide to current technology and future applications

N Zaman, J Ong, E Waisberg, M Masalkhi… - Annals of Biomedical …, 2024 - Springer
Head-mounted visualization technology, often in the form of virtual, augmented, and mixed
reality (VAMR), has revolutionized how visual disorders may be approached clinically. In this …

Development of planar diffractive waveguides in optical see-through head-mounted displays

Y Zhang, F Fang - Precision Engineering, 2019 - Elsevier
The planar diffractive waveguide is widely adopted in optical see-through head-mounted
displays in the field of augmented reality due to its distinguished trade-off among the form …

A full‐color eyewear display using planar waveguides with reflection volume holograms

H Mukawa, K Akutsu, I Matsumura… - Journal of the society …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
A full‐color eyewear display with over 85% see‐through transmittance with a 16° horizontal
field of view was developed. Very low color crosstalk, less than 0.008 Δu′ v′ uniformity …

Foresee: A customizable head-mounted vision enhancement system for people with low vision

Y Zhao, S Szpiro, S Azenkot - Proceedings of the 17th international ACM …, 2015 -
Most low vision people have functional vision and would likely prefer to use their vision to
access information. Recently, there have been advances in head-mounted displays …

Empirical study of the topology and geometry of deep networks

A Fawzi, SM Moosavi-Dezfooli… - Proceedings of the …, 2018 -
The goal of this paper is to analyze the geometric properties of deep neural network image
classifiers in the input space. We specifically study the topology of classification regions …

CueSee: exploring visual cues for people with low vision to facilitate a visual search task

Y Zhao, S Szpiro, J Knighten, S Azenkot - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM …, 2016 -
Visual search is a major challenge for low vision people. Conventional vision enhancements
like magnification help low vision people see more details, but cannot indicate the location …

Applications of augmented reality in ophthalmology

G Aydındoğan, K Kavaklı, A Şahin, P Artal… - Biomedical optics …, 2020 -
Throughout the last decade, augmented reality (AR) head-mounted displays (HMDs) have
gradually become a substantial part of modern life, with increasing applications ranging from …

An augmented-reality edge enhancement application for Google Glass

AD Hwang, E Peli - Optometry and vision science, 2014 -
Purpose Google Glass provides a platform that can be easily extended to include a vision
enhancement tool. We have implemented an augmented vision system on Glass, which …

Look over there! investigating saliency modulation for visual guidance with augmented reality glasses

J Sutton, T Langlotz, A Plopski, S Zollmann… - Proceedings of the 35th …, 2022 -
Augmented Reality has traditionally been used to display digital overlays in real
environments. Many AR applications such as remote collaboration, picking tasks, or …

Understanding low vision people's visual perception on commercial augmented reality glasses

Y Zhao, M Hu, S Hashash, S Azenkot - … of the 2017 CHI conference on …, 2017 -
People with low vision have a visual impairment that affects their ability to perform daily
activities. Unlike blind people, low vision people have functional vision and can potentially …