E Lolang, M Lasarus, MP Mentaruk - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
In the problem-solving approach, students will face many mathematics problems and try to solve them. Before and after solving the problems, students will gain more positive things …
Many American middle school students have negative perceptions of mathematics that could be impacting math achievement. Previous studies have examined the impact of …
Dagens fysikkundervisning er i ferd med å endres i retning av mer beregningsorienterte og interaktive undervisningsformer, hvor studenter får prøve seg på realistiske problemstillinger …
LA DeSilva, A Pullen, JE Hasbun - European Journal of Physics, 2018 - iopscience.iop.org
This article examines the effect of voluntary workshops on students' performance in a university for algebra-based introductory physics on the topics of electricity, magnetism and …
Data prevalensi jumlah balita mendapat PMT pemulihan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Playen I, indikator BB/TB kriteria kurus selama tiga tahun terakhir yaitu pada tahun 2014 …