The emergence of Islamic banking and finance since 1984 had contributed to the financial development leading to economic growth in Malaysia. Since Islamic banks operates within …
This study aims to measure and analyze determinants of interest rate spread in North Cyprus. In this respect, firstly spread is calculated. Then, analysis made to determine …
ID Stojanović - Универзитет у Нишу, 2021 -
Inflation as one macroeconomic variable permeates the entire economic system and affects many other macroeconomic variables in the economy, and the establishment and …
U Efanga, JC Ihemeje, B Kayadi - Journal of Accounting …, 2020 -
The main objective of this study is to analyze the impact of interest rate spread on the efficacy of commercial banks' lending in Nigeria. Data were obtained from secondary …
Инфлација као једна макроекономска варијабла прожима читав економски систем и утиче на бројне друге макоекономске варијабле у привреди, те се успостављање и …
The main objective of this study is to analyze the impact of interest rate spread on the efficacy of commercial banks' lending in Nigeria. Data were obtained from secondary …
The Department of Plant Pathology started functioning with the establishment of the Barani Agricultural College in 1979. Initially, the department offered two supporting courses for the …