The article presents the results of investigations, which make a fragment of the broad-scale studies carried out as a part of the project POIG. 01.01. 02-00-015/09 “Advanced materials …
A method for the chemical modification of silicate binder (hydrated sodium silicate) affecting the distribution of its nanostructure elements was disclosed. The effect of silicate binder …
I Izdebska-Szanda, F Pezarski… - Achieves of Foundry …, 2006 - Citeseer
The article discusses the results of an investigation carried out on the chemically bonded and CO2 blown moulding sands using selected, modified inorganic binders. The …
This paper presents the results of research which is part of studies carried out under the project POIG. 01.01. 02-00-015/09" Advanced Materials and Technologies", one of the aims …
I Izdebska-Szanda, Z Stefański, F Pezarski… - Archives of Foundry …, 2009 -
The article presents the results of investigations, which make a fragment of the broad-scale studies carried out as a part of the statutory activity on optimising the foundry sand …
I Izdebska-Szanda, M Szolc… - Archives of Foundry …, 2010 -
The article presents the results of investigations, which make a fragment of the broad-scale studies carried out as a part of the statutory activity on optimising the foundry sand …
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań, stanowiących wycinek prac prowadzonych w ramach projektu POIG. 01.01. 02-00-015/09 „Zaawansowane materiały i technologie” …
Jednym z czynników wpływających na tendencje rozwojowe w zakresie mas formierskich dla odlewnictwa jest ochrona środowiska. Dlatego przy ocenie technologii należy …