MS Shackley - X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) in …, 2010 - Springer
As I have discussed in the last chapter, our goal here is not to elucidate XRF for the entire scientific community–this has been done admirably by others–but to translate the physics …
GR Rapp - Encyclopedia of Geoarchaeology, 2022 - Springer
The term archaeomineralogy is relatively new. It was used by Mitchell (1985) for a brief bibliography, by Rapp (2002, 2009) for books, and by Kostov et al.(2008) and Rapp (2008) …
The chemical study of archaeological materials Archaeological Chemistry, Second Edition is about the application of the chemical sciences to the study of ancient man and his material …
Chemical sourcing is becoming an increasingly important component of archaeological investigation. Instruments used for elemental analysis generally must be operated in a …
M Golitko, GM Feinman - Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 2015 - Springer
Ancient economies have been characterized by many researchers as localized, highly controlled by political actors, and static over long periods of time. In Mesoamerica, recent …
MD Glascock - Accounts of chemical research, 2002 - ACS Publications
The characterization of archaeological materials to support provenance research has grown rapidly over the past few decades. Volcanic obsidian has several unique properties that …
AJ Nazaroff, KM Prufer, BL Drake - Journal of Archaeological Science, 2010 - Elsevier
Recent innovations in portable energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (PXRF) spectrometry have increased its utility for the geochemical characterization of obsidian artifacts for …
В книге изложены основы геоархеологии–междисциплинарного направления на стыке археологии и естественных наук. Представлены базовые знания по геоморфологии …
Obsidian artifacts recently have been recovered from 18 archaeological sites on eight islands across the Kuril Island archipelago in the North Pacific Ocean, suggesting a wide …