Authentic practice in pedagogical approaches is essential for preparing teachers to design effective learning experiences that foster student engagement during this digital era. There …
With the goal of lessening barriers to the learning of advanced programming techniques, we put into place a trial which required students to get involved with online communities of …
No âmbito das provas de agregação e de acordo com a alínea c), do número 2, do artigo 8. º do Decreto–Lei n. º 239/2007 de 19 de Junho de 2007, cabe ao candidato a elaboração …
Preparation for teaching for equity requires both mathematical knowledge for teaching (Ball, Hill, & Bass, 2005; Kulm, 2008b) and knowledge of how to address the challenges of …
T Davis - STEM Project-Based Learning, 2013 -
Unquestionably, throughout this text, authors have built a strong case as to why engaging students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning is so …
S Yalowitz, MD Edgewater - 2010 -
Since the opening of the Thomas J Long Foundation Education Center in October 2006, over 26,000 individuals have visited the center. Starting in late 2007, we began collecting …
Esta investigação teve como principal desiderato verificar se existem diferenças de discurso por parte de educadores e por parte da família em relação aos meninos e meninas, ou seja …
It is easy to get novices to understand individual statements of a computer programming language, but it is hard to teach them how to put these statements together into a valid …