Multivariable additive nonparametric regression model is a nonparametric regression model that involves more than one predictor and has additively separable function on each …
Poverty is a very serious problem and often faced by the countries in the world, especially developing countries. The percentage of poor people in Indonesia reached 11.47 percent in …
Pendekatan regresi nonparametrik digunakan apabila hubungan antara variabel prediktor dan variabel respon tidak diketahui polanya. Spline truncated dan deret Fourier merupakan …
The semiparametric regression is one of the three forms of regression analysis which is made up of parametric and nonparametric. While the parametric is based on linear …
V Ratnasari, IN Budiantara, M Ratna… - Global Journal of Pure …, 2016 -
Data given in pairs,(t 1i,… t pi, z 1i,…, z qi, yi), i= 1, 2,…, n which follows the nonparametric regression model multivariable predictors of additives:(Formula presented) The regression …
Nonparametric regression has high flexibility in estimating the regression curve. Estimation techniques that are quite popular in nonparametric regression are Fourier Series estimators …
A novel family of Cosine series Quantum Sampling (QCoSamp) operators appropriate for quantum computing is described. The development of quantum algorithms, analogous to …
Regression analysis is a statistical analysis used to determine the pattern of relationships between predictor variables and response variables. There are two models of estimation …
Nonparametric regression aims to determine the relationship between response and predictor when the data does not follow a specific pattern. Fourier series is a nonparametric …