Ličnost nastavnika i stilovi upravljanja razredom

G Đigić - Универзитет у Нишу, 2013 -
This work is concerned with the relation between structural and dinamic personal
characteristics of teachers and classroom management styles. Classroom management is …

[PDF][PDF] Values and value orientations of students, future primary school teachers and preschool teachers

Ž Bojović, D Vasilijević… - Croatian Journal of …, 2015 -
Through a theoretical scientific synthesis, the phenomenon of values and value orientations
of young people is considered from several aspects. Within the framework of such an …

Vrijednosti i vrijednosne orijentacije studenata, budućih učitelja i odgojitelja

Ž Bojović, D Vasilijević, D Sudzilovski - Croatian Journal of Education …, 2015 -
Sažetak Putem teorijske znanstvene sinteze s više se aspekata razmatra fenomen
vrijednosti i vrijednosnih orijentacija mladih. U okvirima takvog pristupa prezentiraju se i …

[PDF][PDF] Терминалне вредности-животни циљеви: перспектива студената будућих учитеља и васпитача

ЖП Бојовић - Teaching Innovations/Inovacije u Nastavi, 2017 -
Резиме: У теоријском делу рада се разматра феномен вредности и вредносних
оријентација, образлажу различите класификације вредности и вредносних …

[PDF][PDF] Lifestyles and entrepreneurial orientation of future teachers

DR Bjekić, LĐ Zlatić - ISSN 2560-550X ISSN 2683-5649 …, 2023 -
Based on the importance of the teacher's directions to developing pupils' value systems,
value orientation, and professional orientation, the connection between future teachers' …

Životni stilovi i preduzetnička orijentacija studenata-budućih prosvetnih radnika

D Bjekić, L Zlatić - Zbornik radova Pedagoškog fakulteta u Užicu, 2023 -
Апстракт: Наставници непосредно усмеравају формирање вредносног система
ученика и њихове вредносне и будуће професионалне оријентације. У раду је …


MM Tandarić -
Rođen je u Osijeku 1982. godine. Diplomirao je 2004. godine na Učiteljskome fakultetu u
Osijeku te je 2011. godine stekao akademski stupanj doktora znanosti iz znanstvenoga …

[PDF][PDF] Sophists and the idea of education

MD Erić - ISSN 2560-550X ISSN 2683-5649 (online), 2023 -
In this paper, the author analyses the new concept of education and upbringing, which
emerged at the time of the first philosophical reflections on the place, role and importance of …

[PDF][PDF] Теrminal Values–Life Goals: Future Primary and Preschool Teachers' Perspective2

ŽP Bojović - 2017 -
In this context, this research can be an incentive for future studies of the young people's
value orientations in terms of a more complete understanding of their values and behaviour …

Terminal values-life goals: Future primary and preschool teachers' perspective

ŽP Bojović - Inovacije u nastavi-časopis za savremenu …, 2017 -
The theoretical part of the paper looks at the phenomenon of values and value orientations
and explains, by focusing on the Rokeach Value List, different classifications of the values …