The importance of studying the aspects related to the sustainable food consumption behaviour of students lies in the fact that, at this age, they begin to develop certain …
BC Illés, T Oravecz, P Žufan… - Economic Annals-XXI …, 2021 -
Honey has beneficial physiological effects, it is a valuable agricultural export product and widely used worldwide as food and medicine also. The primary aim of this present study is to …
T Oravecz - Selye e-Studies, 2020 -
The beekeeping sector is a small sector in the EU, but plays an important role in agriculture, because of the process of pollination and honey production. The primary aim of the present …
Actualitatea temei se reflectă prin faptul că un regim de alimentație nesănătos promovează bolile netransmisibile în Republica Moldova, iar în contextul pandemiei COVID-19 a fost …