For centuries, Muslim countries and Europe have engaged one another through theological dialogues, diplomatic missions, political rivalries, and power struggles. In the last thirty …
After suffering years of war, Bosnia is now the target of international efforts to reconstruct and democratize a culturally divided society. The global community's strategy has focused on …
C Sorabji - On the margins of religion, 2008 -
Since the 1992–95 war in Bosnia the concept of komšiluk (neighbourliness, neighbourhood) has attracted much analytical attention. 1 While there is general agreement that the concept …
The author discusses the nature of the political system in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the possible outcome of the country's institutional reforms. The article begins with giving a …
L'Europe du Sud-Est, qui s' étend de la Croatie à la Grèce et de l'Albanie à la Bulgarie, compte environ huit millions d'habitants de culture musulmane. Albanais, Bosniaques …
Uposljednje vrijeme napisano je nekoliko rasprava o životu i radu Meh-meda Spahe. Neki od tih radova, s obzirom na ozbiljnost rada i dokumentarnu utemeljenost, sigurno će izdržati …
This book examines the relationship between nationalism and the rise and fall of Yugoslavia under the rule of Josip Broz Tito. It deals particularly with the interactions between …
MA Hoare - Studies In Ethnicity & Nationalism, 2014 -
Scholarly interest in genocide has grown exponentially over the past two decades, due largely to two high-profile genocides during the first half of the 1990s: the genocide in …
H Kamberović - Iz bosanskohercegovačke historije, 2011 -
Ova knjiga predstavlja izbor članaka koje sam objavio o historiji Bosne i Hercegovine 20. stoljeća. Za pravljenje ovog izbora odlučio sam se zbog toga što sam pretpostavio da bi …